is a non-profit organization. Our mission is to offer short college-level courses to adults. IND believes that intellectual stimulation fosters well-being in adults.
We thank our instructors and class supervisors, all of whom are volunteers.
Our courses are offered in the spring, fall and winter. Most spring
and fall courses consist of five 90-minute daytime sessions over approximately twelve weeks. Winter courses are single-session.
Students may enroll in as many courses as they like.

All Monday, Tuesday and Thursday courses meet at:
Central Unitarian Church (CUC)
156 Forest Ave.
Paramus, NJ
Located one half mile north of Route 4

All Wednesday courses meet at:
Ethical Culture Society
687 Larch Ave.
Teaneck, NJ
Located at the intersection with North Street

At the CUC we share a parking lot with a nursery school. In the interest of safety, please do not park near the children’s playground – these spots are reserved for parents to drop off and pick up their children. Parking for IND is limited to the large southern part of the lot, near the median. Students with a handicapped permit may use the marked spots nearer the playground and the entrance. Please drive slowly and don’t take a short-cut by driving in via the exit road.
If you see any problem in a classroom or washroom that needs attention, please notify the class supervisor.